PERMITS - Building Permit Application

 Step 1 of 1

* Denotes a required field


Date of Application*
811 Number 

Owner Information

Owner Phone Number*
-- ext

Contractor Information

Contractor Office Phone Number*
-- ext
Contractor Mobile Phone Number 
-- ext

Job Information



Phone number of person paying fees*
-- ext


I agree to the disclaimers.*
The above work shall be performed by the undersigned permitted property owner or a licensed and bonded Contractor. All construction shall comply with the appropriate International Building code. Construction must commence within 180 days from the date the permit is issued.
Notice\Disclaimer - the Permittee/Landowner and their transferee(s), heir(s) and assign(s) are responsible for compliance with any and all building restrictions. NO permit issued by the City of Sulphur authorizes violation of building restrictions. Furthermore, the City of Sulphur does not conduct any search of the records related to any restrictions, limitations of use or any other encumbrances.
TERMINATION OF PERMIT BY OWNER. In the event of termination or cancellation of a permit by an owner, the owner must notify the City in writing of said termination and notify the City if the name of the substitute or replacement contractor, if any. The permit shall be amended effective on the date of notice of the substitute or replacement contractor form from the owner. The owner shall pay the sum of $60.00 for the substitution and/or replacement of a contractor.


ENTERED BY: ______________________________ DATE: _____________________________

PERMIT #: ___________ FLOOD ZONE: _____________ INSPECTOR: ____________